Cheeky Charity Is Bringing Awareness to Colorectal Cancer in the Best Way Possible … With Butt Pics
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Did you know that around 1 in 24 people will get colorectal cancer in their lifetime? Colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States, with 900,000 lives lost every year. The good news: colorectal cancer has a 91% survival rate if it’s caught early enough. If caught late, however, that survival rate drops to just 14%. The bad news: According to a 2015 study by MD Anderson Cancer Center researchers, by 2030 it’s expected that rates of colon cancer will increase by 90% for people ages 20-34, and will increase 27.7% for people ages 35-49. Getting tested is important, and Cheeky Charity is focused on enabling the early detection of colorectal cancer.
Cheeky Charity‘s goals are to help raise awareness and get people appointments for colorectal screenings, help those who can’t afford to get screenings with the donations they receive, and support innovative early detection research programs and those that reduce the cost of existing detection methods.
Since March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, Cheeky Charity has been raising awareness with butt pics.
Cheeky Charity also partnered with some well-known queer influencers, like Jeff Perla and his The Travelin Bum account, to spread awareness using the hashtag #MarchYourButt, and you can use it too! Similar to other social media challenges, you’re encouraged to continue the push for visibility by “nominating” others on the various social platforms. You can get more information (or donate) here. (That’s also where you’ll find those cute little peach hearts to place on top of your butt pics if you so desire.)
“Cheeky Charity is a fun way to raise awareness for a great cause I didn’t know much about prior to this,” says Perla. “What better way to get someone’s attention than with a cheeky photo on social media? I find that most men are scared to go to the doctor and would rather ‘not know’ when something is wrong. Colorectal cancer is something that effects everyone no matter if you’re straight, gay, or any gender identity. I think the more people we can reach for this campaign the more conscious people will be to take care of their bodies.”
“This is hugely important to me personally,” Jackie Cox tells Hornet. “Colorectal cancer rates have been increasing, especially in younger people and in those who engage in anal sex. As someone who is both sex-positive and health-conscious, what better reason to raise awareness, encourage early screenings and detection, and support my community?”
#MarchYourButt aims to destigmatize talking about our butts by using the art of the thirst trap to start a conversation about colon health.
No matter your age, there are several signs to look out for, such as a change in the consistency in your stool or in your bowel habits, unexplained fatigue, traces of blood in your stool, abdominal pain and constipation. If you see any of these warning signs, be sure to schedule an appointment with a doctor.